
Get High Quality Google Reviews

Unlocking the Power of Google Reviews for Your Business

March 19, 202411 min read

In today's digital marketplace, Google Reviews are the pillars of credibility and trust, profoundly influencing consumer choices and shaping business growth.

For many business owners, getting great Google Reviews can be loaded with challenges, from the time-consuming pursuit of each positive review to the stress of managing negative feedback.

Leadpro Systems is your smart partner, making it super easy for you to turn your Google reviews into a powerful tool that helps you with business success.

The Importance of Google Reviews in Today's Business Landscape

Google Reviews: The Beacon of Business Trust and Growth

In a world where consumers turn to online reviews as trusted advisors for their buying decisions, a strong presence with Google reviews can significantly elevate your business's credibility.

Positive feedback not only fosters trust among potential customers but also enhances your brand's visibility, steering a steady stream of clients to your doorstep.

In today’s digital age, the public trust businesses with hundreds or even thousands of Google reviews.

Think about it, when you look to do business with a company, don’t you look them up first to see what kind of reviews they have? Of course you do. We all do. We want to make sure that when we’re going to do business, that we do business with a reputable company.

Of these 2 dental companies below, who would you choose and why? (Hint: 4.8 stars with more than 1,000 reviews vs 4.1 stars with 15 reviews)

Google reviews dental comparison

Whether you’re a plumber, dentist, roofer, lawyer, restaurant owner or any other trade, people are going to look you up on Google to see if they can trust you.

If they don’t see high volume, high-rated reviews, there’s a very good chance they won’t make use of your services or offering.

They would most probably go to your nearest competitor who has better ratings.

Don’t let that happen.

Click here if you want to automate your Google reviews.

Navigating the World of Google Reviews

Understanding the mechanics of Google Reviews is pivotal for business owners. These reviews impact not just your reputation but also your SEO standing, making your business more visible and searchable online.

In essence, they are a vital touchpoint for customer engagement and a key indicator of your service quality and customer satisfaction.

So, the more high-quality reviews you have on Google, the better the chances of getting more business. The public wants to see 3 things when looking at the Google reviews of businesses online:

  1. The rating quality: Does this business have a 4.8 or 4.9 out of 5 stars? Or is your rating dipping below 4.3? The higher the quality score of your Google reviews, the better the chances that a new prospect will call you. No one wants to work with a business owner who has 50 reviews and an average rating of 4 or less. That usually shows poor workmanship. Get your quality rating up if you want more calls or bookings to come in.

    Look at the rating quality below. Who would you choose as your preferred plumber?

Plumber Google review comparison

  1. The number of reviews: The public is not stupid. Anybody can get reviews from their family, friends, other networks, etc. But you cannot fake hundreds or thousands of reviews. So, when you have less than 100 reviews, you won’t be trusted as much as when you have 500 or even 5,000 reviews. The public knows that you cannot fake that. It is pivotal to get a continuous stream of high-quality reviews that shows the public you are good at what you do and that many people have made use of your services before, and they were satisfied.

    Look at the volume of reviews below. Who would you choose as your preferred accountant?

Accounting Google review comparison
  1. The recency of reviews: Reviews that was left 12, 24 or 36 months ago does not have the same impact as when you have Google reviews that was left last week. People want to see fresh, new reviews. It shows you’re still in business and that you are good enough that people are still willing to give you high-quality new Google reviews.

    Do you see how recent these reviews are below?

Recency of Google reviews

Is Your Business Being Filtered Out Because of its Reviews? 

See the screenshot below.

The public can filter out businesses that does not have a specific rating.

So, if a potential client only wants to see businesses with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 and your business has a rating of 4.4, then you won’t show in the search results which means you have ZERO chance of getting that prospective client.

And I can almost guarantee you that Google is going to introduce a ‘Number of Reviews’ filter option as well.

So, if the public only want to see businesses with a rating of 4.5 and higher AND has a minimum of 100, 200, 500, 1000 reviews, then only businesses who qualify by these filtering criteria will be visible.

Do you see why it is so important to prioritize your Google reviews?

Let's automate your Google reviews.

Google Business Profile Rating Filters

Common Challenges Business Owners Face with Google Reviews

The Chase for Positive Reviews – Sigh!

Business owners understand the continuous effort that is needed to get positive Google Reviews.

You have got to be consistent and engaging because every review matters.

But, let’s be honest, this constant effort for new reviews can feel never-ending and exhausting, taking up precious time that could be better spent on key business tasks.

Business owners are faced with a dilemma here. You know you need these reviews, but you are time bankrupt.

Also, many business owners don’t want to feel like they’re begging people for reviews.

That’s totally understandable.

If only there’s a way to automate reviews WITHOUT having to feel like a beggar asking for it right?

(PS – Read further! Leadpro Systems has the solution for you)

Managing the Inevitable: Negative Feedback

Every business gets negative feedback sometimes (and some businesses get more negative feedback than others). But the way you handle and reply to these reviews can really affect your business's reputation.

Getting a negative review can actually work in your favor. It’s a great PR opportunity where you can explain to the person who left the negative review, and more importantly, to the world, what your side of the story is.

The problem is that if you don’t reply to a negative review, then the public will judge you as guilty, by default. But, by stating your case, you are proving to the world that you care about your business and that there is another side to the story.

It's important to respond to negative reviews in a careful and thoughtful way, but implementing a good response plan can be a lot of extra work for a business owner.

Introducing Leadpro Systems Auto Reviews (LSAR): Your Google Review Game-Changer

LSAR: Elevating Your Review Management

Imagine a world where your business continually receives positive Google Reviews without you having to lift a finger.

LSAR offers just that, a sophisticated automation platform designed to streamline your Google Review management.

It ensures a continuous influx of high-quality reviews that bolster your business reputation.

Gone are the days where you must chase reviews.

Gone are the days where you worry if you’re going to get high quality reviews.

Gone are the days where you play the second fiddle to your competitors because your ideal clients choose them above you.

LSAR takes your business from zero to hero with minimal efforts and maximum results.

Automate and Thrive: The LSAR Advantage

From triggering timely review requests to managing follow-ups and responding to review feedback, LSAR automates the entire lifecycle of Google Review management.

This automation ensures that your business maintains a dynamic and positive online presence, attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.

Would you like to know how it works?

Key Features of LSAR That Revolutionize Review Management

Phase 1 - Automated Review Collection

Every business is different and therefore the review collection process for every business will be different. Let’s use a service-based business like a dentist as an example. (If you own a restaurant or a coffee shop, your process will be a bit different, but the idea will be the same).

Let’s assume that when a client pays an invoice, then the whole Google review automation kicks off (did I say automatically?!). Here's what happens.

  1. Invoice Paid – Send message asking the client if they are willing to leave a positive Google review for your business (No Google review link is in this message).

    Google review intent

    a. If the answer is ‘NO’ then no Google review request is sent out. This is how we filter out clients who do not have positive intent towards your business. We only want to deal with those who like you.

    b. If the answer is ‘YES’ then a second message is sent to the client thanking them for their willingness to leave a review and then the Google review link is included in that message.

    Google review request with link
  2. Now LSAR will wait for the Google review link to be clicked. 

a. If the Google review link has not been clicked in 24 hours, LSAR will follow up with the client politely requesting them to remember to leave a Google review. The system will follow up with the client every 24 hours for 3 days if they didn’t click the link. This means you don’t have to chase after reviews. The system does it for you.

b. If the link has been clicked, the system will ask the client to confirm whether they were able to leave a review. (Unfortunately, Google doesn’t give us any data to link one of their users to your client in the database. So, we need to ask). If the client doesn’t answer the question, the system will ask them every 24 hours for 3 days.

Can you see the power in this? You don’t have to chase for any reviews. LSAR does the chasing for you and does it in such a way that the review link can only get to those who confirmed they have positive intent towards your business. I.e. only people who like you are getting the link to leave a review.

This is how you collect unlimited, high quality Google reviews without lifting a finger.

As mentioned before, if you’re a restaurant or coffee shop owner, your process will be a bit different. You can get your clients’ contact details by letting them sign up for a prize (like a free pudding or coffee).

If you can get their mobile number, you can activate the review collection process.

If you have any questions about how this can be done for your industry, then please reach out to us.

Would you like to chat on how to implement this for your business?

Phase 2 - AI-Driven Engagement: Responding like a Pro

When the client has left a Google review, our AI solution will respond to your reviews on auto pilot.

We have instructed our AI to respond in a professional and keyword optimized way to each review.

This allows for positive customer relationship and will also enhance your SEO.

This feature ensures that your business is actively engaging with its clientele, acknowledging their feedback, and reinforcing your commitment to customer satisfaction.

Look at the examples below to see how our AI responded to reviews that was left on our client’s Google Business Profiles.

Google review reply 1

Google review reply 2

Google review reply 3

Google review reply 4

Ready to implement automated Google reviews for your business?

Transforming Your Business with LSAR

LSAR makes the management of Google Reviews exceptionally easy.

We both know that the digital landscape is very competitive.

To stand out from the crowd, you need great reviews.

I cannot stress enough what a difference this can make to your business.

When you use LSAR to automate the Google review collection and response process, you are positioning yourself to become a top competitor in your local area.

You should not be chasing reviews; our system should do that.

You should focus on what you’re best at – i.e. the service that you provide.

Let LSAR handle your Google reviews.

From Stress to Success: Automating Your Path to Positive Reviews

Automation is the key that unlocks business success. Many business owners get a fright when they read the word ‘automation’. But it’s nothing to be afraid of.

When automation is done correctly, it will help non-technical people to save hours of work they usually would have to do during the workday or week.

The smartest automations are many times the simplest to implement.

Google review automation is one of them.

You literally won’t have to do a thing. The system does it all for you.

You just watch your reviews continue to climb and you will be blown away by how your business starts to get traction. When you’re visible with great reviews, you will grow. Period.

Conclusion: Embracing the LSAR Advantage

In a time when online reviews can make or break a business, LSAR is here to help you turn business problems into opportunities to grow.

With Leadpro, managing Google Reviews becomes super easy, letting you focus more on your business and staying ahead of the game.

Don't miss out on making the most of Google Reviews. Start changing how you handle your reviews by letting a system do the work for you. That's the SMART way!

Find out how our automation and digitization tools can boost your business, save you time, and help you succeed.

Fill out the form on this page and we'll show you how Google review automation will skyrocket your business.

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JP Roux

JP Roux owns Leadpro Systems and helps business owners to implement automated systems and AI assistance into their business. Leadpro Systems is 1 of the best sales and marketing systems available to the public today.

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