Automated Google Reviews

Start To Skyrocket Your Trust & Sale$

Get 1000's of High-Quality Google Reviews and NEVER Worry About Paying Your Bills Ever Again!

Leadpro Systems Auto Review (LSAR) Explainer Videos

What Is This?

Why are Google Reviews Important?

Who is This For?

The Struggle for Google Reviews

How We Help You

How You Benefit

A 2 Phase Approach

Phase 1: Only Ask For Reviews From Those Who LIKE YOU!

You've worked hard to provide unparalleled service and create happy clients.

But let's be honest: Not all your clients are singing your praises equally.

So, why scatter review requests like confetti, hoping for a bite?

Introducing LSAR – your smart review hound dog.

Before sending out any review request, our system meticulously scans and discerns which of your clients or recent job completions have POSITIVE INTENT.

We then exclusively send review invitations to those brimming with enthusiasm about your service, dramatically increasing your chances of getting high quality 5-star reviews lighting up your online profile.

Avoid the negative chatter. We've built an impeccable filter that sniffs out negative intention. What happens to these clients?

They're subtly redirected to a private feedback channel – allowing you to handle concerns behind closed doors.

Phase 2: Smart, Automated AI Replies To Every Single Review

Receiving reviews is only half the game.

Responding to them is where most business owners drop the ball. But, not you. Not anymore!

With LSAR's AI, every review on your Google profile – be it a rave or rant – gets a tailored, contextually appropriate response.

Imagine having an eloquent spokesperson who never sleeps, always knows the right thing to say, and does it WITHOUT YOU LIFTING A FINGER.

Our AI isn’t just a robotic reply bot — it’s your brand's voice in the digital arena, ready with a witty retort or a heartfelt acknowledgment.

No more canned responses that sound robotic. Every interaction is personal, relevant, and designed to enhance trust and engagement.

In the vast sea of businesses clamoring for attention, stand out with grace, intelligence, and impeccable timing.

With LSAR, you're not just managing reviews, you're mastering the art of digital rapport.

Automate Your Entire Review Process - Like... ALL of it!

Why Do Automated AI Reviews Matter?

Your Business Reputation is VITAL

In today's cutthroat marketplace, your business reputation isn't just important—it's everything.

If your business has 10x, 50x or a 100x more, high-quality reviews than that of your nearest competitor, who do you think people will call?

Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. LSAR is your secret weapon to ensure that your first impression is nothing short of magnetic.

Whether you're asleep, vacationing, or knee-deep in business,
Leadpro Systems is tirelessly curating and cultivating your online persona.

Why gamble with the heartbeat of your business? In a world where every potential client 'Googles' before they 'greet', having an intelligent system that showcases you as the crème de la crème isn't just wise—it's essential.

When you Google something, do you look at the companies' reviews? So do those who are looking for your services. Remember that.

Increased Profitability

The secret behind today's top-performing businesses is automated reviews.

Did you know that 93% of consumers let online reviews guide their wallet?

LSAR, you're not just on the map, you're shining brighter than the rest. Businesses leveraging these types of reviews see a staggering 58% more clicks. This leads to more calls, more quotes, more sales and ultimately more profit!

LSAR doesn't just display reviews—it elevates them, turning your reviews into powerful customer magnets.

In an era where 84% of people trust online feedback as much as a friend's advice, a continuous flow of high-quality reviews is no longer a luxury for your business - it's a must-have.

Boost visibility, win trust, get more clients and leave competitors in the digital dust. The future is LSAR. The future is now!

Reviews = SEO Fire!

Did you know that a staggering 63% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a site that has user reviews?

But it's not just about purchases. Google's algorithm has a soft spot for fresh, positive reviews too.

Businesses with frequent high-quality reviews see a significant SEO boost, often resulting in higher search rankings.

This is a double win for your business – while your prospects are trusting you more because of your fresh top-notch reviews, search engines are loving you more, too.

Don't let your competitors hijack that precious SEO spotlight.

Get an edge with a consistent flow of top-tier reviews. Your business could rank higher and attract more organic customers than ever before!

Invest in your reviews with
LSAR and watch as your online presence skyrockets.

24 7 Non Stop

My Grandpa used to say: Time and tides wait for no one.

While you're grabbing those precious hours of sleep, your business still buzzes in the online arena.

Here’s the thing: customers are continuously searching, comparing, and deciding who gets their money. They don't clock out. So, why should your reputation management?

That's why LSAR is so important.

It's like having a relentless marketing champion in your corner, working tirelessly around the clock. While you're dreaming, it's engaging. Day or night, rain or shine, LSAR ensures your brand is always in its prime.

You deserve peace of mind knowing your reputation never takes a break. And with , it won't.

Your business will stand tall 24/7, capturing attention, trust, and sales.

Rest easy, entrepreneur; LSAR got the day AND night shift.

From One Among Many, to The Only One...
Reviews That Separate the Elite!

Who Is This For?

This is for the savvy business owner who recognizes that the world isn’t pausing, even when they do.

This is for the trailblazer who wants to dominate their market 24/7, not just 9-5.

This is for the entrepreneur who knows the invaluable power of a pristine reputation but also values their sleep.

If you’re seeking an edge and you want to ensure your brand's voice echoes consistently even when you're catching some shuteye... then my friend, this is tailor-made for you!


What is this?

We offer you an innovative AI-powered system designed to boost your business's online reputation. It actively sources reviews from your clients, intelligently pre-qualifies potential reviewers for positive intent, and ensures only those with a positive outlook are prompted to leave a review. Moreover, our cutting-edge AI responds appropriately to every review left on your Google profile, ensuring consistent, intelligent engagement without demanding any manual intervention from you. Simply put, LSAR is your 24/7 digital ambassador, enhancing trust and driving business growth.

How quickly can I expect to see results?

Almost immediately. If you have a current database that you have not put through a review campaign, you can start with them. If you have a regular flow of clients, you can start by activating the system on them. The results are spectacular.

How much does it cost?

You have 3 packages you can choose from. If you have less than 1,000 Google reviews, then it's $197 pm. If you have 1,000 to 2,999 Google reviews, then it's $297 pm. If you have more than 3,000 Google reviews, then it's $397 pm. We have a continuous cost with OpenAI in order to produce these AI outputs. That's the reason for the scaling pricing structure. All packages also have a once-off $297 implementation fee. Question: Is this a cost or investment into your business? If you see this as a cost, this is probably not for you.

Are there any additional costs?

Yes, we will provide you with a tracking telephone number that can send and receive sms / text messages. This is needed to determine the intent of the potential reviewer. The phone number itself and the sms / text cost varies from country to country and network to network. But we are talking about a miniscule amount in comparison to the additional business that you will get by getting a continuous flow of high-quality reviews. When we chat online and know where you are from, we will be able to better guide you on these costs. Remember, don't trip over mice when you're chasing elephants!

What kind of support do you offer?

We are always available to our clients. If you struggle with something, we'll hop on a quick Zoom call or Google Meet and we show you the way. We are FANATICAL about customer support. You will never be left alone.

Can I customize the responses?

Absolutely! You have full access to your own Google Business Profile and if you don't like a certain AI response, you are more than welcome to edit it inside Google Business.

Do I need to be technical in order to use this service?

Not at all! All the heavy lifting has been done for you in the backend. We will do the setup for you and show you exactly how the system works (it's very simple to use). ANYONE can use this system for their business. It's really easy.

Are there any industries or businesses that benefit most from this?

If you have a Google Business Profile, you can reap the benefits of this amazing review solution. If you have regular contact with clients or prospects, then this is for you. PS - If you don't understand the VALUE of having a crazy amount of online reviews, then this is NOT for you. You need to understand and agree that having a continuous flow of GREAT online reviews will bring in more business than you can handle.

What else do I need to know?

You need a Google Business Profile (the old Google Maps) in order to make use of this product. We will create a separate Gmail account that we need to link to your Google maps account in order to implement our AI responses. We will do this in our onboarding call. You need to have business registration documents as well as proof of address so that we can purchase a tracking number for you. The tracking number is needed to source and automate high-quality online reviews.

Elite Reputation Management, Without the Elite Price Tag

(Your Reputation is Priceless. With LSAR, Managing it Doesn't have to be a Fortune.)

Reputation Starter

When you have less than 1,000
Google Reviews

$197 pm

(+ One Time $297 Setup Fee)

  • Automated Review Requests

  • Automated and Unique, AI Review Responses

  • Intelligent Intent Recognition

  • Negative Feedback Diversion

  • 24 7 Review Management

  • Setup Included

  • Training Included

  • Email and Zoom Support

(Tracking Nr & SMS Cost Excl)

Reputation Pro

When you have 1,000 to 2,999
Google Reviews

$297 pm

(+ One Time $297 Setup Fee)

  • Automated Review Requests

  • Automated and Unique, AI Review Responses

  • Intelligent Intent Recognition

  • Negative Feedback Diversion

  • 24 7 Review Management

  • Setup Included

  • Training Included

  • Email and Zoom Support

(Tracking Nr & SMS Cost Excl)

Reputation Champ

When you have 3,000 or more
Google Reviews

$397 pm

(+ One Time $297 Setup Fee)

  • Automated Review Requests

  • Automated and Unique, AI Review Responses

  • Intelligent Intent Recognition

  • Negative Feedback Diversion

  • 24 7 Review Management

  • Setup Included

  • Training Included

  • Email and Zoom Support

(Tracking Nr & SMS Cost Excl)

Invest In Your Future. Invest in Your Reviews.
Make Your Business Unmissable!

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